These are two different professions requiring different skill sets.
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Explore the US governmental rubrics for performance in these two domains here:
These terms are frequently confused but are not interchangeable.
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The two main proficiency test providers in the US are below:
*Proficiency testing is important for both translators and interpreters as they must be sufficiently proficient in both languages in which they work to perform at a professional level. The strongest way to determine proficiency is to complete a valid proficiency test.
These two terms are not interchangeable.
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*Please note that certification exams do not exist in all language pairs in translation and interpreting. Additionally, certificates exist in abundance in the English-Spanish language pair but may be difficult to find in other language pairs in the US.
General Info
There are two national certifications for medical interpreters. Each test is slightly different and is available in different language pairs. One thing to keep in mind is that the NBCMI board has decided to stop paying for outside validation of their tests due to the expense. The passing rates for these exams are also low, but not nearly as low as court interpreter exams. They are to be taken seriously as they are difficult and expensive.
NBCMI (National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters)
CCHI (Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters)
Most states in the US participate in the NCSC tests to certify court interpreters, which is the only certification currently available in the legal interpreting field. The pass rate for the state exams is low because it is a much more difficult professional test than many candidates (and the public) realize. It is important to prepare well for these exams as they are challenging and expensive to complete. Not all language pairs have a court interpreter exam, so you may end up going through another qualification process if your language pair does not currently have an exam in your state.
See the links below for details:
Another possibility for court interpreter certification is the Federal exam. This exam currently exists only for Spanish, so any other language pair would go through a different process for qualification purposes. The pass rate for this exam is under 20%. It is offered infrequently and is quite expensive, so proper preparation is a must. If passed, the exam permits the certification holder to interpret in all courts, both federal and state.
Federal certification in other languages
For Interpreters
There are many language pair exams available from ATA (American Translators Association), but only to members of the organization. The exams are expensive and have a low pass rate as well. For further information, please see the links below:
For Translators
For Language Instructors
Professional organizations are a good source of development and guidance. Here are a few that are relevant to our organization.